Creative Artists Working together to Recover what may soon be lost
The Team
The team is presently composed of the founding members and volunteers. We are creating a data base increases of artists, organisations, corporations and countries willing to partner in awareness campaigns and practical on the ground works. Feel free to submit you info for inclusion and discussion of how you too can help.
Founding Members
G.R.O.W.L was initiated as a private foundation by four family members sharing a singular vision and recognition that each of us bears a responsibility to care for nature and for the animals with whom we share this earth. By recognising that each and everyone of us possesses unique talents which can be used to benefit the health of the planet as a whole, and that only by acting on these talents can the animal world, in all of its beautiful variety, survive, we choose to pool talents so that what can vibe accomplished might be magnified. . . with this thought, GRoWL was born.
Veronica de Nogales
Lead Artist - Sculptor
Edwin Dam
Artist -Sculptor
Kolya-Alvaro Dam de Nogales
Video and Photographyy Direction
Alejandro Dam de Nogales Graphic and Photographic support AND ACTOR
International Partners
The IWT conference in London, England in the October of 2018 led to creation of “The Elephant Project”.
Metro´s international art competion for the the Polar Passage led to the commissioning of artists Dam de Nogales for creation of “The Melting Icebear” for the Oregon Zoo in Portland where research of polar bears is key to understanding the needs of polar bears in the wild. The full art installation is scheduled for Autumn of 2020.
Ilegal Wildlife Trade
Metro — Oregon Zoo
BOSSA. Development
The Elephant Project
The Melting Icebear
Pause to Passage