
Veronica de Nogales

Veronica de Nogales Leprevost was born in Barcelona, Spain in 1970.  Her intense interest in art an in nature began at an early age, manifesting itself in drawings and paintings of nature and of wildlife, which took her as far as the snowy wooded regions of Sweden.  In 1988, in the University of Bellas Artes of Barcelona, she began to undergo an anatomical shift towards the study of human body movement, rendered not only through two-dimensional mediums of painting, etching and drawing, but also through the third and fourth dimensions of sculpture and of dance.  Recognizing her talent, the Provincial Gallery of Catalunya, Spain offered her a solo sculpture exhibition, first in Spain, and soon after honoured her works in Paris.  Her works were soon taken on by galleries in Spain and Brussels. Today she continues to empowers others through her art.


Edwin T. Dam

of Dutch and Friesian descent and native of Hamilton,  Ontario, Canada began his sculptural interest and
anatomical studies at McMaster University.  Two years later he transferred to Calvin College of Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he underwent a polar shift in his studies to art, philosophy and literature.  After graduation, he passed a short stint in creative writing for the Canadian magazine industry, before moving to Vancouver, B.C. where he joined a clay studio.  It was here while self employed in the trades that  he began to experiment with  larger structures of mixed medium, concrete, steel, wood and aluminum.  But it was his move to Barcelona which was monumental where during an exhbition he met Veronica.  With her encouragement, he entered and placed second in  the Pere Jou Sculpture Competition in Sitges, Spain, beginning his career as sculptor.

Together Veronica and Edwin are known internationally as Dam de nogales.


Kolya-Alvaro and Alejandro Dam de Nogales

kolya-Alvaro Dam de nogales as Director and lead photographer and Alejandro Dam de nogales as Artist